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HISTORY of Aimwell Presbyterian Chuch 1869 - 1975

In 1869, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) at Mobile, Alabama, had authorized a plan whereby separate Black Churches might be formed; so former slaves communicant members banded themselves together and built a bush tent as a place of worship in 1869. They later constructed a frame building. The members and officers used oxen drawn carts to haul the lumber which resulted in the construction of the first church on this very spot. It was not until Sunday, September 25, 1870 that the church was officially organized by the Reverend Edward Palmer, Pastor of Bethel Presbyterian Church. The officers were elected, trained, ordained and installed. There were one hundred and sixteen communicant members. The Ruling Elders were: Archibald Ford, Jacob Johnson, Daniel Sumpton, Robert McNeil, James Singleton and Emanuel Blue.  The names of the pastors that served Aimwell Presbyterian Church are as follows: Organizing Pastor Reverend Edward Palmer, Reverend Gard M. Chavis, Reverend Adam Frear, Reverend Caldwell, Reverend Joseph Rollins, Reverend C. J. (May 24, 1908), Reverend Tolbert, Reverend S. J. Ellis (September 1, 1926) Reverend L. A. Thompson, Reverend A. Spaulding (October 6, 1916), Reverend J. P. Johnson (October 12, 1929), Reverend J. H. Miller (July 13, 1932), Reverend F. W. Cannon, Reverend S. P. Mckelvey (October 6, 1950), and Reverend C. L. Campbell, Jr. (September 24, 1961) The ministry of spiritual unity with Reverend Cornelius Campbell placed emphasis on education through youth camps, vacation bible school, and church retreats. Reverend James E. Murray served as Supply Pastor and was installed as Pastor on May 4, 1980.  The members of the Aimwell Presbyterian Church entered into an agreement to begin building its Educational Building on June 1, 1975. The Educational Building was followed with the demolishing of the old Church Building. A new church building was erected and is now to be dedicated to the glory of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ



1975 - Present

The first building fund committee elected were as follows: Mrs. Frances Ford, Mrs. Sadie Pinckney, Mrs. Mary P. Simmons, Mrs. Helen Gantt, Mr. Roosevelt Chaplin, Mrs. Lucille Chaplin, Mr. Joe Chaplin, Mr. Arthur Wright, Mr. Willie Campbell, Jr., and Mr. James Colleton.


The construction of the educational building was built by the late Pastor Reverend James E. Murray, members of the church and friends of the community; the building was occupied in 1977. In November 1978, the church was demolished and worship service was held in the Educational Building until the church was completed in 1980 under the leadership of the late Rev. James E. Murray.  In 1985, the church and the Educational Building was dedicated along with these accomplishments:  The church family has great admiration for the dedicated hard work of the late Trustee Perry Simmons; Late Elder Lucille Chaplin and others who helped clean and beautify the cemetery during the leadership of the late Rev. James E. Murray.  Under the leadership of the late Reverend John H. Washington, the pews were covered and the mortgage of the church was burned in 1991.


Reverend John C. Miller, Jr., became Pastor of the Aimwell Presbyterian Church USA in February 1991. He advocated for us to “become faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ”. Under his leadership, the parking lot was paved, shrubbery was planted, new pulpit furniture was purchased, remodeling was done in the kitchen and restroom was made Handicapped accessible. Since the death of Reverend Miller, God sent us Reverend Dr. Donnie Woods to help fight giants, Minister Deidra Jennings to help magnify and glorify Christ, Reverend McKinley Washington, Jr.(Moderator) to help build a bridge over troubled waters, and Minister Lesley Bligen to help us understand unconditional love.


Reverend Perry D. Griffin became pastor of Aimwell Presbyterian Church on May 18, 2013. Under his leadership, two new entrance gates were installed for the church’s parking lot, a church wide congregational donation drive was implemented where members contributed and purchased new stained-glass doors for the sanctuary, two panic exit doors, TV monitors and recording camera DVD recording system for a DVD ministry, utility cart, tables & chairs for the fellowship hall and a doorbell for the fellowship hall. The Church’s mission statement was redeveloped which is rooted in (Matthew 28:19-20) Equipping disciples for ministry and mission. 

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